Saturday, April 19, 2008

Lola, la Chulita...

Please welcome the newest member of our family...Lola. For those of you who know me well, I imagine you are quite surprised. It was actually my idea! I had to convince Guille but he is now enjoying her as well (most of the time).


Okay, I know I'm posting these all out of order, but this is what Guille planned to celebrate V-Day 2008. It was fun and relaxing!

Friday, April 11, 2008


Guille and I spent some time in CA, visiting my friend Lindsay in Huntington Beach and my extended family in Orange County. In Huntington, we rode one of the was so much fun!

Here's a pic with my cousin Justin at Downtown Disney.

1 Year Anniversary!

September 15th was our official 1 year wedding anniversary...only about 1 month after our "official" ceremony. Talk about doing things differently! We had a yummy dinner at City Hall, sea bass, filet, lobster mashed potatoes, and champagne.
It has been a great 1st year!!!

Grand Canyon!

This is a little back-dated...we spent some time in Sedona with Guille's family after the wedding. We also went to the Grand Canyon and Vegas. It was a blast and his family had a great time! I can't wait for them to come back soon...