Thursday, June 25, 2009

7 Months and Counting... 7 Meses...

Here are some pics from our most recent ultrasound. The quality is terrible because our scanner is not working and we took photos of the photos from my phone. Hope you can still see the face. All is well and we are grateful.

Aqui tenemos algunos fotos del sonografo. La calidad es horible, pero espero que podais ver mas o menos como es la cara. Todo esta bien y estamos contentos.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Enjoying the summer. Disfrutando el verano.

San Diego & Vegas

We spent a lovely weekend in San Diego with our great friends, Karina & Mike, Lindsay & Omar, and Sonia and Todd. Somehow, we were too relaxed to remember to take pics of anything...stupid! Then, we went to Vegas and enjoyed the amazing wedding of our friends Sarah & Bobby. Congrats, Moffats!
Pasamos un finde muy bonito en San Diego con nuestros amigos, Karina & Mike, Lindsay & Omar, y Sonia & Todd. Estabamos demasiado tranquilos para sacar fotos alli...tonto! Entonces, fuimos a Las Vegas y disfrutamos una boda preciosa de nuestros amigos Bobby y Sarah. Enhorabuena, Senores Moffat!

St. Augustine.

We had so much fun with the family in St. Augustine, FL. Thanks for taking the drive to see us!

Divertimos mucho con la familia in St. Augustine, Florida!


Valladolid, Spain

Fun in Spain!

I am waaaay behind on posting, but here are some pics from our fun trip to Spain.

He tardado mucho tiempo en poner fotos...aqui son algunos de nuestro tiempo en espana.